THIXAR HiFi case damping system Eliminator size L in black matt

THIXAR HiFi case damping system Eliminator size L in black matt.


 THIXAR Peace Program Silence Plus

Read all on the scientific fundamentals of THIXAR products:
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THIXAR HiFi case damping system Eliminator in black matt finish, detail

THIXAR HiFi case damping system Eliminator in black matt finish, detail.



THIXAR HiFi case damping system Eliminator gold

THIXAR Eliminator in golden finish and size L.


Three finishes are available to harmo­nise perfectly with existing hi-fi compo­nents:

silver polished
black matt
gold polished

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Audiophile THIXAR hifi accessories – The Fundamentals of Sound.

HiFi Accessories

The Elimi­nator is designed to address another source of vibra­tions that mar music liste­ning pleasure. Its raison d’être is to ease the compo­nent casing itself.

All the functional compo­nents in a hi-fi unit are physi­cally connec­ted to the chassis, which effec­tively serves as a mount for the casing too. As such, every motor, every coil, every quartz crystal and every trans­former induces vibra­tions in the casing which are then trans­mitted to the other compo­nents. And this prevents them from opera­ting optimally. The end result is a signi­ficant reduction in sound quality.

THIXAR Eliminator L in silver

Because things like inductors generate different vibra­tion frequen­cies than trans­formers, a multi-pronged approach is required. A complex challenge like this cannot be addres­sed by simply adding mass. It takes a combi­nation of different materials based on our AVC technology (Adaptive Vibration Control) to achieve the desired result. The individual components in the Elimi­nator are specifically matched to ensure that all poten­tially detri­mental frequen­cies are signi­ficantly reduced in equal measure. At the heart of the vibration damping system is the THIXAR-typical gel, whose properties have been tailored to achieve a targeted signal absorption.

THIXAR case damping system Eliminator in black, size SIt goes without saying that the alumi­nium casing of the Elimi­nator is also an impor­tant part of the construc­tion. Similarly relevant is the interface between the casing to be damped and the Elimi­nator. A special film is used to ensure good contact and optimal absorp­tion of vibrations.

The unique THIXAR vibra­tion damping system is designed speci­fically for the casings of audio­phile equip­ment and ensures that their compo­nents can operate under uncom­pro­mised condi­tions. The acoustic effects can be metrolo­gically verified and make a percep­tible diffe­rence: Back­ground noise is reduced, while fine detail, imaging and sound­stage scale are enhan­ced. Overall, music is repro­duced with greater compo­sure and natural­ness.

Spectrogram THIXAR Eliminator case damping system
Spectro­gram of the THIXAR Eliminator case damping system.

Both elec­tronic devices and loud­speakers benefit from an Elimi­nator. The positive effects vary depen­ding on the component in question. But one thing is clear – an Elimi­nator allows all devices to play to the best of their abili­ties. As such, inte­gra­ting an Elimi­nator from THIXAR into your system repre­sents another impor­tant step on the road to flaw­less music repro­duction.

THIXAR Eliminator L silver front view

Available in two sizes (S/L) and three surface finishes (matt black, gloss silver or gold), there is an Elimi­nator that will harmo­nise perfectly with your existing hi-fi compo­nents.


“The drum sounds as if the performance venue were changed. The scale of the sound stage and sense of space were also significally enhanced.”

Martin Leung in “Audiotechnique”, 01/2021, Download full review (pdf)…

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